Localised Solar Time
Daily fluctuations in sunrise and sunset times, along with the exact Solar noon, are automatically geo-located to your exact longitude + latitude.
Apparent Solar Time
Time is set to the empirical Apparent Solar Time (AST), rather than artificial construct of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Single Daily Rotation
A single hour hand rotates 360 degrees once every 24 hours, mirroring the Earth's spin on its axis.
Loose Approximates
Removal of minute and second hands relaxes time to approximates, rather than exacts.
Localised Lunar Calendar
Lunar phase cycles are geo-located to your exact longitude + latitude in the northern or southern hemisphere.
Syzygy of Three Bodies
Spring tides occur around twice a month when the Sun, Moon, and Earth form an alignment known as a syzygy.
13 Lunar Months
Circa Lunar follows the empirical 13 moon 28-day lunar synchronometer, with a single 'day out of time'.
Luminance of Time
Departure from the linear Gregorian calendar relaxes days and months to the poetics of luminance, rather than the tyranny of numeracy.